case description
There is a lot of talk about bottom-up development; Oxfam in Laos did it! Between 2015 and 2017, they experimented with a program that facilitated a community led dialogue in rural areas. Citizens had to decide what to do with €8000,-, which would be given independent of the outcome. This was the essence of the Development for Citizen-lead Inclusive Development (CD-CID) project.
EyeOpenerWorks provided support on participatory monitoring and evaluation, in particular through Most Significant Change (MSC) and Participatory Video (PV). This enabled all partners of the CD-CID project to collect qualitative data for learning and communication purposes.
In the words of Oxfam: “such a dimension not only focuses on upward accountability, but also on downward accountability, learning and lobbying/advocacy. It also answers to new media reporting trends that donors and other supporters require; videos are more attractive than long reports that few people want to read. The videos are not be one-off activities put together at the end of the project