Tearfund – Podcasting GBV-prevention


case description

In 2016 Tearfund piloted in Ituri Provinc a development SGBV program, Engaging Faith Leaders and Communities (EFLC), to challenge the social acceptance of violence against women and girls. The EFLC model uses community engagement of stakeholders traditional and less traditional ( faith leaders, youth…) to speak out, act, and model the desired change on gender equality desired for communities.

In 2019 Tearfund approached EyeOpenerWorks as a learning partner for another pilot,  this time and for the first time in a humanitarian context. Together we are piloting the EFLC-approach in Sud and Nord Kivu, two eastern provinces in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

In 2020 and 2021 EyeOpenersWorks co-designs the planning, monitoring, evaluation and learning strategise and facilitates a Most Significant Change with Podcasting experiment in the local communities. This a participatory storytelling approach with beneficiaries who learn how to make podcasts about their most significant experiences.

For more information: henrik@eyeopenerworks.org

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